Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Small and Simple Thing #4: The Urge to Pick-Up Litter

Today I'm grateful for the urge I get to pick-up litter. On Saturday my friends and I were walking to the Marriott Center to go see Christmas Around the World (which was AWESOME!) We were half way there, walking through campus, when I saw a piece of paper on the ground and decided to pick it up and throw it away in the nearest trash bin. Once I picked it up, I realized that it was actually an envelope with two ticket to Christmas Around the World in it. On closer inspection, I realized that the tickets belonged to a girl in my ward. I called her, she confirmed that she had dropped them, and we were able to meet up and give them to her so that she and her friend was able to go to the show. Moral of the story: pick up trash. Not only does it make the scenery more pleasant, and not only does it make you awesome, but it helps you help people. Even if you're not going to pick up someone's tickets, your saving the poor grounds crews/custodians from having to pick it up. Such a small and simple thing that takes almost no time, yet enables you to make someone's day. Those sorts of things are my favorite.

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