Friday, January 11, 2013


Dear Kaka, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! You are one of my most favoritest people in the whole entire pool of existing peoples!!! Have the happiest and bestest day ever being awesome and turning 17 and doing crazy things and eating yummy food. I LOVE YOU!!!

Dear Abby, We are being AWESOME at doing this whole scripture reading goal thing! only 11 days into the new year and we've read about 80 pages of scripture!!! Let's keep this up!

Dear Kate, I miss doing awesome things together like we did over break. Can we be bestest phone friends and talk this weekend?

Dear Facebook World, Thank you so super duper much for all the birthday wishes! I love you all and appreciate the time you took to think of me!

Dear FHE Family, Thank you muchly for the fantabulous surprise birthday bash. You are all fantastic!

Dear Emily, What the heck! Because our schedules don't coincide  we NEVER see each other!!! This = super lame. We must make up for all this lameness by having super extra much fun this weekend, okay?

Dear Work, I'm so glad things have calmed down so that I don't leave every day with a headache. I hope it will stay this way for a while.

Dear Homework Load, How on any green or brown or blue earth am I ever going to stay on top of you? Sleep may no longer be an option.

Dear Self, For help with above, see: "Trust in the Lord" or "Pray" or "Study your Scriptures Daily".

Dear Heavenly Father, I haven't been relying on you as much lately as I should. I'm sorry. I pray that You will help me learn how to rely more fully upon you during this crazy, pull-your-hair-out semester. I also pray that You will help me learn how to rely more fully upon those around me.

Dear Mom, Thanks for always being willing to talk to me on the phone, especially when I'm being ornery.

Dear Weekend, I'm ready to have awesome fun, do productive things, and be super happy!

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