Friday, January 4, 2013

Reading the Standard Works in a Year

About a month ago in Sunday School, we were talking about the importance of knowing the Bible because we're Christian and knowing it helps us relate to Christians of different denominations better. By the end of class, I thought to myself, I've never read the Bible all the way through. I think I want to. I did the math. If I wanted to read it in a year, it would only be about 5 pages a day. I could do that. And then I walked to Relief Society.

Serene gave the lesson that day. Somehow, we started talking about scripture reading. Serene mentioned that when she was in 8th grade, she read the entire standard works with her dad. I did the math again. If I added The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price to the reading schedule; it would only be an additional 2 pages a day--a total of 6.5 pages a day. I could do that. 

And so I am. 6.5 pages of scripture a day! I'm lucky enough to have my sisters Abby and Emily joining me in the project as well! I know that it will be hard at times, but it will be so worth it. Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price--here we come!

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