Monday, January 14, 2013

Five Reasons Why My Weekend Was Great

1. I got to watch Pride and Prejudice with Emily, Amelia, and Sarah. I love Jane Austen's ability to make a room full of girls all gasp and laugh and smile at the same times. The movie was wonderful (as it is every year when I watch it for my birthday) and FINALLY having a girls night after not having one for FOREVER was even greater.

2. I went to my old boss--Fred's--house with my old coworker--Charles--to help Fred shovel snow, repair blinds, and fix some lights. Fred is really old, retired, and can't do much now, so it was good to know we were able to help him. After we fixed up stuff, we played a card game called Five Crowns and had treats with his wife--Diane--and his granddaughter--Amber. It was a wonderful splendid morning and I can't wait to go again.

3. I got to talk to my Aunt Janet on the phone for over half-an-hour. I love talking with people, but when it's my family I love it even more. The two of us are going to start writing letters to each other! I better start on one soon...

4. For homework, I've been reading fun teenage literature for my adolescent literature class. It helps me remember that I actually do enjoy reading! I was having so much fun with it all on Saturday night that it made me laugh, and I haven't laughed in a long time.

5. I went to church on Sunday and officially decided that our ward in awesome. People were talking and reaching out to one another and no one sat alone. The girls in the Relief Society ward right now are remarkably valiant and I'm grateful I get to associate with them!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Pride and Prejudice! My friend and I had our husbands watch our girls while we took a much-needed break and watched that movie :) Isn't it just lovely?!?! ...sigh :)
