Sunday, March 18, 2012


This is a picture of where Ryan and I went climbing!
Dear Ryan, The rock climbing date on Friday night was one of the scariest, terrifying, exhausting, and most awesome dates I've ever been on! My forearms are still sore (which I love!) Thanks for pushing me and helping me to get to the top on that very last climb. I swore I wasn't going to be able to make it, but with your help, I did. It was pretty much a metaphor for life. Thanks even more for the awesome conversation. You're a good friend.

Dear Garrett, Thanks for the fantastically fun date Saturday night, going to see Ryan Shup and the Rubberband! I've never heard of them before, but they were so much fun! We even caught one of the Frisbees they threw out at the crow. Yup--we're awesome.

Dear Week, I know I can do hard things, but please try to not be as horrifying as you could be. Thanks.

Dear Daniel, Pister, Miesha, Weston, and everyone else involved, The snowball fight tonight was awesome fun.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thanks for trusting me and for giving me the strength to do what you need me to do. Together, we can get me through this crazy week!

Dear FHE Brothers plus Josh, Thank you for being such fun, giving boys and for be examples of how worthy priesthood holders live their lives. Everyone in my apartment looks up to every single one of you. You are going to be missed.

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