Friday, March 2, 2012


The printer in the library was obviously having a bad day

Dear Library Printer, By the way you printed out my document last night, it's obvious that you've had a rough couple of days. I hope that today is a better one for you.

Dear Grounds Crew/Anyone Who Has Picked up a Shovel Over the Past Few Days, Thank you SO much for getting up early to salt the snowy grounds so that the odds of me slipping and falling on my face are significantly reduced. You guys rock!

Dear John Campbell, Thank you so much for coming over on Thursday night and telling stories about your crazy mission in Africa. No one EVER comes to visit our apartment because it's odd location, so it meant a whole lot. My roommates and I laughed so hard that we cried, snorted, and couldn't breathe. You're awesome.

Dear Michael and Mr. Farnbach, You had better be taking extremely good care of my giraffe, Gregory. It was cold sleeping without him last night and I missed him. I'm pretty sure he missed me too. I'm trusting you . . .

Dear Weekend, We are going to have so much fun! I have three papers to write and lots of fun to be had. I hope that I will be able to make the hard choices which will make me happy and help me use my time the way the Lord would have me use it. Let's get ready to have some hardworking fun!

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