Thursday, March 15, 2012


Dear Kate, Today I received the most aweomest letter ever! So of course, it had to be from you. Thank you so extremely super much. You made my day.

Dear Kyle, Mentoring you every week for several hours with Brian Baird is always fun. Today, doing an egg drop experience, was especially fun. I do have to say though, the best part was probably when we came to pick you up and your mom was so excited to tell us about your latest school project and of how you'd gone to meet Charles Schulz's daughter and all you wanted to talk about was video games. It was almost as funny as the time you couldn't give the dinosaur museum credit for recreating a bunch of fossils correctly because if they wanted to make it look like it did in real life, it should have obviously been covered with skin. 12 year olds like you rock.

Dear Emily Christensen, Thanks for sharing a table in the library. I love that you're not afraid to pray in the library (like me!) And PS: I like your ugly shorts.

Dear Lauren, Fantastic job today performing your play (Suicide House). I'm glad that you're finished and will now have more time to be happy!

Dear Roommates, Sorry for any of the bad weather I might have brought into the apartment this week. Luckily, the weatherman says that clear skies are on their way! Until then, thanks for putting up with a "rain-cloud Lindsey."

Dear Amelia and Morgan, This is why I love you:

'nuff said.

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