Saturday, March 10, 2012


This is the place Michael and I went Hiking--Battle Creek Trail. It was a lot more brown and frozen than it is in this picture, though, because it's still Winter.
Dear Pister, Talking to you on Thursday night was one of the highlights of my semester. Thanks for helping me tune my spiritual radio--the reception has been static-y of late. Reason number two why I have the best home teachers ever.

Dear Amelia, Once upon a time there was a super awesome girl. One week she worked really super awesome hard to get done all her work and to be successful. At the end of that week she went away to spend time with her family (because she's just that awesome). Her roommate missed her that week because they had both been too busy to spend much time together, so she decided to ask her on a date to WinCo the following weekend. The awesome girl accepted. That made her roommate very happy. The end.

Dear Mr. Farnbach, Fantastic conversation last night. I think I learned just as much about myself as I did about you. Thanks for giving me things to think about and for inspiring me to try a little harder to be a little better. I think you're pretty awesome.

Dear Michael, I laugh to myself just thinking about our date going hiking this morning. You managed to get me to laugh for two and a half hours straight. As I said, you "superseded my expectations" (I won't say in what ways you superseded them, but know that it wasn't all bad). Good job. I'm interested to hear how your date with my roommate Rachel tonight compares. As a piece of advice: maybe before then you could practice coloring inside the lines when you drive?

Dear Heavenly Father, I continue being flabbergasted at the many countless ways that you show me you love me. I just can't believe all the work you've been going through over the past several months to help me now with things I didn't even know I'd need help with. You are amazing and I love you.

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