Saturday, October 27, 2012

Small and Simple Thing #1: The Sun

I figured I should actually get started on this "Small and Simple Things" project of mine.

Actually, I'm just trying to avoid doing homework or going running. But what's new.

Today's small and simple thing is the sun. I love the sun (just ask Ems--I've not been the biggest fan of Utah's cold, Winter weather). The sun is warm and bright and happy. It makes me want to get out of bed and do something with my life! It radiates. It chases away darkness. It illuminates.

And isn't there another type of Son that does the exact same thing for all of us? Doesn't Christ radiate? Chase away darkness? Illuminate? Isn't He warm and bright and happy? And doesn't He make you want to get out of bed and do something with your life?

The sun is marvelous, not just for how it makes me feel happy and for how it makes life on earth possible, but for how it reminds me of Christ. Think on that next time you step outside and feel the sun's warm rays reaching out to you. It's not the only "sun" trying reaching out.

Over and out.

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