Thursday, October 4, 2012


Dear Lauren, WAY TO GO!!! Good job getting fifth place in the dance competition today by doing your awesome tango! I admire you so much for doing the things you are passionate about. You are amazing.

Dear Sarah, I have been waiting ALL WEEK to go and get ice cream with you today! It was perfect. It was just what I needed. It was so good to do nothing but just sit and talk to you. Especially the "you" part. You amaze and inspire me in so many ways. Thanks for your example and friendship.

Dear World Religions Test, That was fun, wasn't it? I'm pretty sure that I'd never even seen at least a fourth of the words on the page. Lucky for me, the test wasn't in the testing center and wasn't multiple choice, so I still get to forget it and still feel good about myself until the scores get posted. Perfect.

Dear Eric, I'm so glad that you came over to make cookies with me tonight. Thanks for the cookie making and the Piano Guys video watching/listen and the talking and the translating my letter and the playing Banana Grams and the even more talking. The cookies we made were amazing. Magic, you could say (or rather, did say). You are such a good, understanding, caring, spiritual, fun, awesome friend. I'm excited to get to listen to General Conference with you on Saturday morning up in the mountains!

I think someone was just trying to remind him of home...
Dear Jeremy, Thanks for stopping by tonight to help us eat our cookies. I'm so glad that your dance number in today's dance competition was 667--our apartment number. Some things are just meant to be. Our FHE family is one of those things. Also, I admire you so much for being willing to help so many people when they struggle with their homework. Your dedication to service is just so super awesome. Air five, brother! Good night (This time, not in sign language)!

Dear Lori, Thank you so much for buying us pizza to eat today at work. You are one of the best bosses ever!

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