Friday, October 19, 2012


Dear Morgan, Thanks for stopping by and for giving me a hug the other day. I'm so glad that first block is over so that we can FINALLY do something fun together!

Dear Anna, Going to the temple with you and grabbing a cupcake afterward at Coca Bean Cafe on Friday and then going grocery shopping with you on Saturday was super fun! I'm excited to have fun with you again tonight. Besties for life.

Dear Second Block,What is this? Time to sleep? Time to talk to other human beings? Time to have fun? Time to do homework? And to exercise? And think? And eat? And laugh? And breathe? And sleep in? And clean the apartment? And to work on stuff for Relief Society?

I almost don't know what to do with myself. Almost.

Dear Emily, Studying with you in the library this past Saturday was one of the highlights of my semester. I'm glad that we're sisters and that we live together and that we will live together forever. Turkey five!

Emily and I laughed so hard when we saw this picture....Dad ALWAYS has his eyes closed in pictures!
Dear Dad, The other day I ate the leftover Mexican food that you bought us on Saturday night when you stopped by because you were driving home from Arizona. It was really good food, but the best part about it was being reminded of you. I love you so much and think that you're the best dad Heavenly Father could have ever given me. Actually, I don't think that; I know it.

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