Sunday, October 21, 2012

Movies, Stargazing, and Dinner with the Fam

Dear Super-Awesome Friends, Thanks for coming to see Brave with me last night in the dollar theater! It's a pretty amazing feeling, buying 19 tickets and taking up 3 rows with a group of people I love. Good luck this week with everything!

We're not very photogenic at 2:30 am in the middle of the dark, especially when the flash on the camera blinds you. All things considered, though, I still think we're pretty good lookin! 
Dear Emily Christensen, Thank you, thank you, thank you for inviting me to go watch the meteor shower with you last night (slash this morning) from 12 to 3am. I haven't been in the outdoors in a long time, and I've wanted to go star gazing even longer. Being at the campfire out where there were no buildings and only each other, our friends, the crackling fire, and the sky overhead to watch, made me feel more myself than I have felt in a very, very long time. You are one of the most real people I know. Thank you for knowing what questions to ask and knowing when to talk and when to listen and for supporting me and for just getting it all. You are definitely one of my favorites.

Dear Mike, The car ride to and from Brian and Cindy's was a wonderfully fresh dose of not-Provo reality. You are so real and normal and I love how you say what you feel and don't worry too much about what others think. I'm glad we're family.

Dear Brian and Cindy, Your kindness and generosity in inviting us over for dinner tonight at your house was so appreciated. The food was SO good and it's amazing to be in a home, but it's also just nice to be with family, especially when my immediate family is out of visiting distance. Thank you.

Dear Dale, I'm so glad that we got to talk tonight after dinner at Brian and Cindy's. I think it's the most I've ever talked to you, and I hope we get to do it again. I also hope you know that I will take you up on your offer to come over and just chill at your house when I need a break from college and Provo and work and life. Thank you in advance.

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