Thursday, May 30, 2013

Amelia Hope Theobald

Pretty much I'm missing this girl:

 today like absolute crazy.

I'm just sitting here thinking to myself:

"Oh my gosh so much new and crazy stuff is going on in my life right now and I'm stuck between being super excited and freaked out of my mind and I really just want someone to talk to about it all who I know would totally listen to me gab on for hours and understand and know exactly what to say and what not to say and would be okay with me crying or laughing like a crazy person or being frustrated with myself and still love me and want to be with me and go and be awesome with me at the end of it all!"

And then I realize that what I really mean when I'm thinking all of this is:

"What I really want right now is Amelia."

And then it really isn't fun because she's halfway around the world right now which is totally awesome because she's where she needs to be serving a mission for the Lord but that means I can't just pick-up the phone and talk to her about all the craziness and that instead I have to write her a letter that takes 7 days to get to her. And goodness, I didn't realize how super much I really felt all of this until I started typing it up just now while I'm sitting at work and started fighting against the tears because I miss my best friend so bad. So. Yeah.

In other words, what I really mean to be saying right now is that I'm so thankful that Heavenly Father has blessed me with people incredible enough in my life (AMELIA) that I could miss them (HER) so incredibly much when they're (SHE'S) gone. I mean, I just spent nearly half-an-hour looking through all her facebook photos because I just missed looking at her face so darn much. I never look though people's facebook photos!

But really. Amelia Hope Theobald is one of the best people I have ever known and associated with. More than almost anyone in the whole world, she has loved and listened to and understood me better than anyone else. We definitely had our hard times, but all the profoundly good times that we had more than far outweigh the bad.

Amelia was someone that I could be my complete self with. I had to worry not a single wit when I was with her because I knew that she loved and accepted me no matter what. We could do crazy stuff together--like stay up till 2am making cupcakes or act like little kids or talk about boys or try to go workout at 6am in the morning or build awesome forts, and at the end of it all, she still thought I was a semi-sane person. I loved having that freedom of self.

Amelia was an amazing example to me of service--of making baked goods and always giving them away to people or of cleaning the apartment when she noticed I was stressed because she knew that would make it better or of taking time to talk to someone who needed a friend or of working so hard to make sure that everyone else was taken care of and having a good time before worrying about herself.

Amelia also stuck with me through the bad. She dealt with me when I was cranky and she would listen to me and love me when I needed to talk and cry or she would help me be happy when I was stressed and when I was Relief Society president she always asked if there was more that she could do to help me.

Amelia always follows the Lord and wants to do what is right. I know that my association with her drew me closer to Christ because she was always striving to follow and love Him. The decision to go on a mission was tough for her to make, but ultimately she chose to do it because her love for the Lord and His children is just that incredibly great. She always has the Spirit with her. She is always striving to be good. She is always an example of Christ.

I've managed to get the rant out of my system and hold back (mostly) the tears that were threatening to come. I just hope that halfway across the world right now in the Spain MTC, there's a sister missionary there who knows that she is loved and that she has a best friend back at home who's missing her like crazy. She has made an incredible impact and difference in my life, and I know that that's exactly what she's going to do for the people over there. They don't know how lucky they are.

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