Thursday, May 2, 2013


Dear Nate and Preston, Thanks for taking a break from your studies last night to play Uno with me! It was great to get to know you guys more, though we might have to play again sometime soon so that I can win a round.

Dear Jon Wilcock, Any time with you is always time well-spent. I'm glad we were FINALLY able to go get pie last night to celebrate being done with the semester (we definitely both deserve it, after booth being in the library so late on so many occasions!) Thanks for being an outstanding guy and an even more outstanding friend!

Dear Rylin, You are the best friend ever. Thank you so much for spending an hour and a half of your time yesterday evening looking at cars on KSL and Craigslist with me. I'd have no idea where to even begin without your help. I admire you for your willingness to always help a friend. You say "yes" when someone asks for help without hesitation. You put aside your own to-do lists and worries to help ease those of the people around you. You're awesome.

Dear Amelia, Yesterday was your first day in the Spain MTC. I'm sure you're rockin' it, though I sure do miss you here. Letters will be forthcoming very soon.

Dear Emily, The salad yesterday was divine! Hope you're ready for chicken pesto wraps tonight!

Dear Emily, Rachel Maxwell and Sarah, I enjoyed getting dinner with ya'll on  Tuesday evening at Zupas. I feel so much more relieved about life now that we've picked out my three husbands. Now, I just gotta figure out how to marry them all. We will have to talk about this and iron out the complications sometime in the near future.

Dear To-Do Lists, I love, love, love, love, love crossing things off on you. It gives me a slight adrenaline rush.

Dear New Ward, I'm excited to get to know all of you and to have super fun this spring and summer! Hope ya'll are ready to be havin' some super awesome fun!

Dear Kate, I like when you steal mom's phone and text me. It's awesome being able to keep in contact with you even when you're so far away. Good luck with all your crazy tests these next few weeks!

Dear Future Half-Marathon, Sometimes (as in an average of twenty-four out of twenty-four hours of the day) you freak me out. It's okay, though. I got this.

Dear Rachel Smith, Betsy, Elora and Lyndy, I really really really really really really really like living with you beautiful ladies! You are all so kind and open and happy and giving and considerate and loving and wonderful. Thanks for being who you are and for welcoming me into your home with such open arms.

Dear Jordan and Gentry, You two are such goobers. Thanks for goofing-off with me on Tuesday night at the ward opening ice cream social.

Dear Brett, I'm so excited that you're living in CP! We're going to have to do something fun really soon!

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