Monday, June 3, 2013


Dear Bed, I really do very sincerely miss you. We have not been spending enough quality time together lately! As much as I miss you, however, I do have to admit that the things taking your place have been quite worth it. Maybe in a couple of years (or probably in the next life) I'll actually have enough time for you. For now though, hope you enjoy the little time that you do have with me!

Dear Hook (the movie), I haven't seen you in FOREVER! I forgot how fun/silly/good of a movie you are! I'm glad that I got to watch you on Saturday night with my friends.

Dear Lori, Thank you so much for letting us come over to your place to plant flowers! I miss having a yard and being able to work outside in the dirt. The black beneath my fingernails was a happy sight. Thank you even more for taking us out to eat afterwards at the Trolley Cafe. That salad was so good!

Dear Latino Ward Members (and their white friends/roommates), Sunday's break the fast was one of the best break the fasts I've ever been to! Thank you so, so much for spending all of Saturday evening and Sunday morning slaving over delicious enchiladas, rice, beans and horchata. My stomach and taste buds were quite appreciative!

Dear Kate, I'm sorry it took me so long to call you back! I'm super glad that we FINALLY got to talk on Sunday and that you got to tell me all about the awesome girls camp and school and life stuff you have going on and that I got to tell you all about the crazy stuff going on in my life. I love you super tons!!!

Dear Half-Marathon Training, I'm surprised--besides the waking up super early to go running (which sometimes makes me feel like I'm gonna DIE) you're actually not that bad! After running 9 miles on Thursday evening, running 13.1 isn't feeling quite as intimidating. I might actually be able to do this!

Dear Activities Committee, I love being part of a group of people as amazing as you. Every single one of you is so kind, loving, serving, outgoing and all-around stupendous! Thank you for being who you are--it inspires me to be a better person and to love and serve those around me more perfectly.

Dear Ems, I'm glad that we FINALLY decided on a time to hang out. It's been forever! Tomorrow evening is going to be the best.

Dear Day of Rest, You really are my favorite day of the week. Thanks for always getting me ready for the other six.

Dear Tale of Two Cities, Lets see if I can get you read in two weeks. That's the goal, at least!

Dear Jon, Water coloring and coloring outside the lines and endless french toast at Kneaders and planting flowers at Lori's and going to Jamie's wedding reception and running and shopping and making yummy pesto-based food and painting my nails and watching Hook and making banana bread and reading general conference talks and talking and talking and talking all with you at my side are, I think, some of my most favorite things ever. Thank you for being so good and for always leaving me with a desire to be a better person. You're quite the top-notch best friend, and we make quite the fantastic team.

Dear Heavenly Father, I would be selfish if I didn't acknowledge and thank you for all the good that is in my life right now. Thank you for answering my prayers and for knowing exactly what I need and when I need it, and then for giving it all to me even though I don't deserve more than (maybe) 0.9% of it. You are the best part of my life.

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