Thursday, May 24, 2012


Ryan and I climbing on Saturday!
Dear Bridget, Ryan, and Hannah, Thanks for the rock climbing adventure last Saturday. It was so fun spending 5 hours up in the canyon with you using ASL to communicate.

Dear Susan, Thanks for letting our huge family bombard your house yesterday for a celebrate graduation BBQ. It was good to see familiar faces.

Dear Kristin, Thanks for being concerned about me and for making sure that I was okay yesterday. I really need to start getting more sleep!

Dear Anna, Practicing ASL with you is the bestest ever! You're pretty cool.

Dear Jordan Liau, Thanks for letting us move Tuesday's movie night to your place when our TV stopped working. You're awesome.

Dear Amelia, Thanks for being so dependable. You are always there and you always get it.

Dear Rachel, Thanks for always being so considerate, fun, and uplifting. Thanks also for being excited about BBC's Robin Hood TV show like I am.

Dear Ryan, You are one of the best friends I have ever had. Please keep being yourself.

Dear Sarah Porter, I'm so excited to go see BYU's production of Arabian Nights tonight so that I can hear the music you composed for it! You are AWESOME, girl!

Dear Me, Thanks for going to bed at 11 last night. I feel human again.

Dear Heavenly Father, You always lead me to the scripture or conference talk I need to read. You always send friends in to lift me up. You always give me the break when I need it. You always believe in me. You always take care of me. I will.try, in return, to always follow you.

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