Sunday, April 29, 2012


Dear Ward, You ALL are fantastic! I'm so blessed to be able to have fun with and to serve such a wonderfully amazing group of people. Keep being awesome.

Dear Sarah Porter, Your "nice note delivered in person" was so meaningful and thoughtful. Thank you for all your support and love. I look up to you. Really. And for some time, too. Good luck with the music for Arabian Nights! I'm so excited to hear it's amazingness when I go see the play in a month!

Dear Agent Altair, Sorry for spelling your name wrong last time. Won't happen again.

Dear Morgan and Lauren, Thank you for all your lovely visits. Seeing you guys always brightens my day (like sunbeams--the light kind and the kid kind). Please continue.

Dear Jarrett, Thanks for the pictures and the walk and the bread and the talking and the optimism and the amazingness and, above all, for your example. Being around you makes me want to be a better person. Good luck getting done all your homework tomorrow! You can do it!

Dear Amelia, 
I am amazed that Heavenly Father loves me enough to let me live with someone as strong, brave, understanding, down to earth, intelligent, beautiful, and wonderful as you. Please keep being your amazing self. (And thanks so super much for all your AMAZING bread! You are so talented!!!)

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