Wednesday, April 25, 2012


It's the first time I've ever caught something on fire in the kitchen. An accomplishment...?
Dear Amelia, You're really good at rescuing people. I would know. Yesterday afternoon you saved me when I was making kettle corn and the towel I was using caught on fire and the oil in the pot starting attacking me and the popcorn started burning and the burner was still on and I was freaking out. You're pretty great.

Dear Tiana Cole and Elise Meiners, I'm so excited to have you guys as my new roommates! Remember our goal: to be super sad when you guys have to leave for the summer. Good luck with classes today!

Dear People Who Came to our AWESOME Tuesday Movie Night, Watching Pirates of the Caribbean with you was better than watching five armadillos speed race the backstroke. Not that I've ever seen armadillos speed race the back stroke. But still! Let's keep it up!

Dear Kendrick Shepherd, Jarrett Lever, and Ben Johnson, Going to Macy's for our adventure on Monday night was super much fun! Thanks for letting me tag along so that I have enough food to make it though the week.

PS World--Today let's all be SUPER AWESOME! Okay? Deal!

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