Thursday, February 16, 2012


Sorry for any jealousy the hat in this picture may cause
Dear Aunt Janet, Thanks for my super-awesome giraffe hat. When I wear it people tell me I'm the coolest kid on the bock. Really though, I just have the coolest Aunt on the block who gives me awesome hats.

Dear Mr. William Farnbach, I felt pretty pathetic when it took extra effort to lift a bowl of corn into the microwave tonight. I don't know if I've ever felt so awesome for feeling so pathetic. Weight-lifting with you is the best!

Just one example of how Morgan is awesome--she  surprised me with this when I got my new job last semester!
Dear Morgan Kitchen, When was the last time I told you you were awesome? Well, you are. Thanks for being one of the best examples I know of someone who never complains when given the opportunity to serve. I want to grow-up to be as amazing as you one day.

Dear Hard Work, Thanks for helping me feel good about myself. When I make you a part of my day, I always end up getting the happies on the inside, and the happies pretty much rock.

Dear Bowl of M&Ms, One question: how did you end up in my tummy?

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