Monday, February 27, 2012


My Roommate, Amelia, made this MabLib on Saturday Night when we were  being goofy
Dear Roommates and Friends, Watching "The King's Speech" (edited version, of course), playing games with you, and having pillow fights, all while laying (or jumping) on the mattresses on the floor of our living room was just what I needed Saturday night. I hope you'll forgive me for my silliness!

Dear Stake Conference, Thanks for the spiritual boost (and the laughs)! It's especially fun hearing stories from President Monson about the President Monson (his dad). Nice to know that he's 'normal'.

Dear Ryan Porritt, Thanks for the AWESOME planetarium show that you did for us Sunday night!

Dear Ward Family, I'm liking this Mafia thing. And talking thing. And hanging out thing. Let's keep it up?

We changed S106's "Daniel Fridge Collage" slightly Sunday night
Deal Daniel Bodily, The girls from S102 and I thought we'd take down the 5,729+ pictures of you on your apartment's fridge and replace them with pictures of us. Whatcha' think?

Dear Eng 292, I love the class. I don't love the textbook. People frequently ask me if I'm trying to work on strengthening my biceps. I reply by saying, "No, I'm just lucky enough to get to carry around a five ton book all day everywhere I go three days a week." As much as I appreciate the conversation starter, I'd rather live without it.

Dear Meisha Slight, I agree--we should sit by each other in the library. My table's always open!

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