Sunday, April 28, 2013


The AWESOME journal I got from Janet!
Dear Aunt Janet, I know this is a week late, but THANK YOU for the AWESOME giraffe journal and chocolate covered almonds! It helped me get though the craziness of finals week.

Dear Winter 2013 Ward Friends, It's been strange the past couple of days with all of you leaving. Thank you for the fond memories and the good times. It's been wonderful getting to know you all and I hope you will keep in touch!

This is just some of the bonfire crew. Many of the others had left by this point.
Dear Bonfire Crew, We rocked that. Period.

Dear Finals, Thank heavens you are done and that I can now breathe for a couple of months. It's been great, but I'm glad to not be seeing you for another 8 months.

Dear John Campbell, Thank you for the impromptu Subway lunch date. Good luck with "real" life, and have tons of fun in China!

Dear Amy, You betta' take tons of pictures and email me about your adventures in Europe!

Dear Alex, You also betta' take tons of pictures and be ready to tell me all about your adventures in Guatemala once you get back!

Dear New Roommates, I think that this is going to be quite the splendid experience, living with you all. Let's make it a party!

Dear Ryan and John, Thanks for chatting, and even more, for always being willing to chat. I love you two!

Dear Theobalds, Thank you for the fantastic hospitality and the AMAZING food. It made for a very enjoyable afternoon.

Dear Scott and Ryan, You two are going to be some of the best dads in the world someday. How do I know? Because this is what happened today while we were eating dinner at Amelia's house:

I counted while they were chasing you for the whole 20 minutes or so. There were at least 6 of them (little boys, I mean.) While they were tackling you, I turned to Emily and said: "It reminds me of how Joseph Smith was known for playing around with the boys in the town." Yup. You'll be pretty dang amazing fathers with pretty dang lucky kids.

Dear Carson, I'm thoroughly enjoyed talking to you on the car ride home from Amelia's farewell. It was so good to really talk to someone who really listens. You're an awesome friend.

Dear Ems, Thanks for running and talking and cleaning and walking and chilling and laughing and understanding with me. You're an amazing sister, and I'm glad we can be neighbors!

Dear Summer, I'm totally ready to rock this. Let's get this awesome, goal-setting/achieving, hard-working, super-partying, fun and amazing summer started!

More pictures from the bonfire:

The lovely Emma Pister and I!
Stephen, Amy and I
Drew, Gentry and Audrey
Sultry faces, anyone?

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