Sunday, March 10, 2013


Mom, Fred, and I
When I was two, we had a dog. Not that I remember, I just hear stories about me loving him to death. He got sick and died not long after we got him. Being two, I didn't really understand this, so I would go out to our backyard and call his name. "Fred! Fred!" Or at least, that's what my mom says I did. Like I said--two-year-olds don't remember much.

When I was in kindergarten, we got a fish tank. This, I remember. I remember going to the store and looking at the fish through the glass and thinking they looked so awesome. I remember thinking that it was strange that some of the fish ate each other (cannibalism, anyone?). I remember thinking that the "sucky fish" was my favorite because it's the one that lasted forever and didn't die.

When we moved to Washington, we gave up the fish and tank and since then, my life has been pet-free. When I was little, I really, really, really, really, really wanted a dog or a hamster or an anything, but we remained pet-less. And really, that's okay. I was fine with the idea of visiting my friends' pets for an hour or so and then being able to go home without having to worry about all the unpleasant parts of having a pet. Course, now Jessica, Abby, and Kate are trying like crazy to have my parents get them a dog. I doubt they'll cave in.

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