Monday, November 5, 2012

On Orson Scott Card, Self-Defense, Running with the Sister, FHE Brothers, and High School Friends

Dear Ethan, Thank you so much for taking me bowling and to Barnes and Nobles on Friday night for our date! I loved the surprise of having Orson Scott Card there, listening to his speak, and then waiting in line to get our books signed. Even though I haven’t read any of his works, I have wanted to for a long time. Besides that, I always love listening to authors and being in books stores. Definitely a success!

Dear Jenna, Jessica, and Katie, Kelly and I had so much fun rolling around on top of each other at Saturday’s self-defense lesson. Thanks for being awesome teachers and for sharing your knowledge with the Relief Society!

Dear Emily, Running up the hill towards the mountain with you is the best, especially when there’s pretty fall leaves everywhere. Let’s do it again next Saturday, okay?

Dear Gentry, Sitting across from you while we study in the library always makes me feel smarter, and hanging out with you and Emily on Saturday night—making cake, playing games, and making cards—was super fun. We’re glad to call you part of the family.

Dearest Scotty, Thy presence for the last hour on Saturday evening was more magnificent than all the world’s sunsets, roses, and pretty sounds combined. I cannot wait to be reunited with thee again this evening for FHE. Thou art a wonderful and wise father.

Best homecoming night EVER!
Dear Stephanie and Paige, Talking to you last night for an hour and forty-five minutes was literally the highest highlight of my semester. I have not felt so silly and happy and like myself in such a long time. Hearing about your lives made me happy, talking about my life helped me feel like everything was okay, and reminiscing about the past made me feel like my honest, normal, silly self. I'm so glad I got to grow up with you talking on Paige's shed roof at night, going to Stephanie's house during lunch, spending homecoming with Ken dolls, talking and eating 'till 3am, squealing about silly books, watching ridiculous TV shows, having frog-eye salad food fights, and so many other wonderful things. I’m also so excited to see you over Christmas break and I’m so glad that we can still be such good friends even though we rarely see each other anymore. I can’t wait to have crazy old lady parties with you two fifty years from now.

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