Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Phoebe Month Six

This month, Phoebe...

  • ...Ate her first veggie and fruit solids. She hates peas, doesn't mind green beans, and loves fruit. At first, she just took what she didn't like with a sour face. Now, she utilizes her cleft to spit distasteful foods out.
  • ...Had her first Christmas! She got books and bibs and clothes and a few toys.
  • ...Met Aunt Jessica "in person" over Skype.
  • ...Can sit up all by herself without any help.
  • ...Is becoming much more aware. She's learning what she wants, and when she wants it, SHE WANTS IT! She can't say any real words, but the closest is "Nah! Nah! Nah!" when she doesn't want something. (Great--her first word is going to be "No.")
  • ...Learned she has a tongue and made us laugh for a week by sticking it out at us.
  • ...Started riding in the stroller forward facing without the car seat adapter. 
  • ...Got the surgery for her cleft scheduled. It's going to be on Tuesday, March 13th. 
I love taking the time to put together these photo collages because it forces me to slow down and really think about Phoebe as a person. Sometimes in the route monotony of daily living, taking care of Phoebe can feel like a to-do task. But when I slow down and think about her like today, I feel immensely grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed us with such a sweet little girl. For the most part, she's very happy, ready to giggle, wanting to see the world, excited to meet new people, and loving her mommy and daddy. Sometimes I have to remind myself that baby Phoebe isn't going to stay baby for forever, so I better soak it up while I can. 

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