Sunday, April 30, 2017

Of This I Am Certain: God Calls Prophets

Noah was a prophet in Old Testament times
I want to follow God's will because I know that what He wants most of all is for me to be happy and return to Him. Sometimes though, amid the crazy world it is hard to know what His will is. There are a lot of ideas about how to live, and it can be confusing knowing what God wants. Thankfully, God didn't send us here on earth with nothing more than a lucky rabbit foot and a call of "Hope you figure it out!" No, God loves us too much to let us try and guess our way back to Him. Rather, He calls men to serve as prophets so that they can reveal God's will to us.

A prophet is a man called by God to speak for Him. Adam--the first man on earth--was also the first prophet. Since then, God has called many worthy men to be prophets, including Moses, Abraham and Noah.

Today's prophet, President Thomas S. Monson
I believe that God continues to call prophets today. The living prophet on the earth today is President Thomas S. Monson. I know that when he speaks from the pulpit that he is speaking God's will. I also know from personal experience, that when one follows the prophet's counsel, one is happier and feels closer to God.

In today's modern world, we are lucky to have easy access to the words of latter-day prophets like President Monson. Every 6 months he, and other men called of God, deliver messages in a meeting called General Conference. These messages can be accessed on to be read, watched, or listened to. Not only are these messages powerful and inspiring--they are from God.

Latter-day prophets are proof that God still cares about us, still hears our prayers, and still loves us. That is just one of the many reasons why I'm grateful to know that there is a prophet living on the earth today, and why I invite all others to come to know the same.