Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sending Emily Off On Her Mission

Right before I dropped Ems off at the MTC!
Today I had the super huge blessing of dropping off my sister, Emily, at the MTC. It was good. So good. Her plane landed around 9 and I picked her up at 9:15, giving us about four hours before she had to be dropped off at 1:30. After driving back to Provo, we picked up Jon and went over to Kneaders to get some of their endless French toast! Then we dropped off Jon, went to my place for a bit, did some running around so that Ems could pick up some last minute things, then went to the temple parking lot to just talk and wait before I had to drop her off.

Things between Emily and I have been a little crazy over the past two years. Two years ago she was trying to figure out college while I was trying to figure out how to be a Relief Society president. Then the next year I was trying to figure out how to be in a relationship while Ems tried to figure out classes, jobs, and mission plans.

This past Sunday the two of us finally talked about it all. We both admitted that we were sad at how far apart the two of us have grown over the past two years. As Ems put it: “We were living together, but not being sisters.” But as we continued talking over things, the mood improved drastically. We were able to say: “I’m sorry,” and “How stupid of me,” and “Will you forgive me?” and “I love you.” It was one of the best conversations I’ve ever had in my life. It’s hard to ask for forgiveness and to admit that you might have done someone harm, but it’s so good to let the Atonement work between you and that person, healing you both.

When I dropped her off, there was nothing bitter or to regret. I was jealous of her for a moment as the sweet spirit of the MTC touched my heart and I thought how cool it would be if I were being dropped off here—a place full of people who love the Lord and are preparing together to dedicate over a year of their life to serving Him full-time. But as I gave her a hug and watched her walk away with a sweet Polynesian sister (“What’s your name?” and “Where are you serving?” she asked Emily) the Holy Ghost confirmed to me that everything was just as it should be. Though Emily is preparing in the MTC by learning Norwegian and studying “Preach My Gospel” and creating talks, and I’m preparing in my little house by reading my scriptures and searching for an apartment and spending time with Jon, we are together in both preparing for the biggest adventure life has had to offer either of us up to this point. She just happens to be doing hers wearing a nametag on her chest while I happen to be starting mine wearing a white dress. I hope that the two of us will learn to really lean on each other during what will be a new, exciting, terrifying, adventurous, wonderful, purifying, and happy next year and a half. Yes—God really is in the details of our lives.

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