Monday, September 30, 2013


Louisa, Ems & I at Guru's before the broadcast!
Dear Emily, I had so much fun with you this weekend! From going to the BYU choir concert to getting frozen yogurt to getting dinner at Guru's to watching the Relief Society broadcast to going to a Baptist church with me for a school assignment--it was so good to be with someone easy to talk to and have fun with. I'm glad we live so close to each other.

Dear Louisa, I'm super glad that you got to join Ems and I on Saturday night while we went to Guru's and then to watch the Relief Society broadcast. Those sweet potato fries are so good!!! It's good to live with family away from home, especially when that family is as awesome as you!

Dear Old FHE Family, I've run into so many of you over the past several days! It's fun to see those of you who have come back from your missions and to randomly run into you, Aubrey, at the baptist church because you were also doing an assignment (how random!) Let's get together and have a reunion soon. Deal?

Dear Beautiful Fall Weather, I'm so happy you've decided to come around. Please stay and keep the winter away!!!

Dear Miranda, It's been YEARS since we last ran into each other! It tickles me that I was able to find you on facebook and that you seem to be doing so well! Maybe when I come home for Christmas break we can get together--that would be a blast!

Dear Jon, Breakfast on Saturday morning was de. lic. ous. I haven't had french toast in such a long time and it's even one of my favorites! Thanks for giving me a fabulous beginning to a fabulous day!

Dear Ashley, As the boy's in N103's old FHE sister, it was fun to get to meet you and discover that we're in Mythology together (I can't believe you recognized me! You're so observant!) You seem super fun and are incredibly talented with singing and playing the guitar. Thank you for sharing your talents and your smiles. Hopefully, I'll see you in class today!

Dear Mythology Paper, Even though you were about Ella Enchanted, you took FOREVER to write, which made me slightly annoyed. My hand thanks you for finally being done!

Dear Sarah Armknecht, I'm so grateful for the chance I had to go hear your unofficial mission farewell yesterday. I learned so much about being converted unto the Lord, His love for us, and prayer. You are going to be such an amazing missionary because you live your life in such a way that the Spirit can be with you at all times. The people in Montana are very lucky to have you among them for the next year and a half.

Dear Testimony Bearers, Your words gave me a lot to contemplate about and gave me much comfort. Thank you.

Dear Mars, Thanks for sharing this

video yesterday in your Sunday School lesson. I think it touched us all.

Dear Hannah, I'm very grateful for the chance I have to get to serve with you. You seem really awesome and down to earth (which is so refreshing) and I hope we can become really good friends.

Dear Krista, I hope that you come over and hang out in the CP zone of the ward all the time so that we can have super fun with you and get to know you better because you just seem so super awesome and it would be so sad if we never really got to know you just because you live all the way over in the yellow house. In other words, I think you're really cool. Thanks for the chatting. I can't wait to chat again!

Dear Kylee, Please get feeling better soon. I love you!

Dear Grace, That cake was AMAZING! Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing!

Dear Jessica, I hope you get feeling better. I love you so super much and am wishing I could be with you right now!

Dear Kate and Abby, I'm so glad and happy that you guys called me last night so that we could talk! I love talking to you two. Thanks for being the awesomest Abby and Kate sisters in the world!

Dear Reading Assignments, Really? This is overkill. Way too much, guys. Way too much.

Dear Wonderful Coworkers, You guys are the best and everyone that doesn't work with you should be jealous (that's a lot of people and I really shouldn't be encouraging un-Christ-like behavior such as being jealous, but you guys are just that cool!) Thanks.

Dear Melissa, You seem like an awesome friend and I'm very grateful to have you as my Visiting Teacher and can't wait to get to know you more!

Dear Shonay, I'm so glad that you're my Visiting Teacher. You are just so cool and kind and fun. And your words last night...I really needed to hear them. Thank you so much for saying what the Spirit prompted you to say. I love you!

Dear General Conference Weekend, I'm going to work really hard this week so that I can enjoy you to your fullest on Saturday and Sunday. I'm so excited!!!

Dear Today, Smiles, quiet moments, laughter, friends, work, class, exercising, homework, scriptures, talking, joy--these are just a few of the things I hope to run into during you today.

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