Friday, September 20, 2013


Dear Woman's Locker Room Gym, You are tiny. You are old. You have papers hanging on the walls announcing new policies starting October 2004. Your paint is pealing. Your machines are falling apart and make weird noises. But--I love working out with you more than any other place (almost--nothing beats running in the super green Washington wilderness). I'm excited to join you again today!

Dear Temple Thursdays, Thank you.

Dear Louisa, I'm so super duper glad that we decided to meet up at the temple last night and to then go shopping and then go to Guru's. The shopping was super fun (and Dave--the salesman we were talking to--with his British accent was so cute!) and the sweet potato fries were delicious! Thanks so much for giving me a fun evening. I needed it.

Dear Homework, You are so getting done this weekend. I can't wait to go to the library for hours and then to walk home in the late hours of the night, feeling completely productive and accomplished.

Dear Utah, Game tomorrow? You're on!

Dear President Uchtdorf, Your talks are my favorite and you always tell me exactly what I want/need to hear.

Dear Sunshine, You make me smile.

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