Thursday, September 19, 2013


Dear Emily, Thank you so much for the wonderful note you left on my mirror last night! It made me so super happy when I woke up and was the bestest start to a day that I've had in a super long time!

Dear Louisa, I think it's hilarious how much you wanted ice cream last night and how excited you were when Adam brought some over. It was so funny because I knew exactly how you felt--I wanted ice cream last night too!!! I just had to settle for chocolate chip cookies. Six of them, to be exact. Let's just say that I will definitely be going to the gym today before our trip to the temple.

Dear Jamie, Lindsey and Rachel, Thank you so super extremely much for listening to me the other day at work. It helped me feel a whole lot better! It's nice to work somewhere good, but it's even more good to work with people who are nice.

Dear Dr. Thursby, You are such an awesome old lady. I want to be as blunt and lively and intelligent and cool as you when I get old.

Dear Colder Fall Weather, Disregard anything that Louisa and Betsy tell you. I'd rather continue enjoying my warm summer nights.

Dear Bro. & Sis. Hatfield, I'm so glad that you two help with institute because it means that I get to see you in the middle of the week every week and that makes me so super happy! You two really are some of my favorite people in the Prov/Orem area and I'm so grateful that I get to associate with you.

Dear Sleep, Life really does seem/feel better when you're around.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for helping me survive my two hour evening class last night. I think it was equivalent to that the times when Christ blessed the loafs and fishes.

Dear Sarah, It was such a delight to see you at institute last night. Thanks for chatting and for being such an awesome friend.

Dear Bro. Day, Your institute lessons are absolutely wonderful, as are you! Thank you for making us laugh and seriously think about things that really matter all in the same moment.

Dear Elicia, Thanks for always being willing to take a couple of minutes to chat. It means a lot to me and lets me know that if I ever need someone to talk to, you will be there for me.

Dear Thursday, There has to be at least approximately 23 reasons why today is going to be much more splendid than yesterday. I'm not sure exactly what those 23 reasons are, but I'm sure they must be there. I can't wait to find out about all of them.

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