Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Past Few Weeks in Pictures

Dear Jon, Thank you for taking me to the Summer Fest in Orem a month ago. You should not stress over planning fun dates--you're really good at it! I love how easily amused you are by the carnival games. I love that you make me want to eat goingtokillyouscones because it means I get to share something with you. I love how sick you got on the one ride we went on and that you let me laugh at you when we got off and you tried to regain a grasp on reality. It's doing the small and simple things like this with you that make me love spending time together so much.

Dear Ward Groupies, The water kickball activity in June was the best. I was so exhausted when we started from having just run 12.7 miles with Jon, but the cold water and all of your cheery, fun countenances energized me and by the time the activity ended, I was running all over the place. Thank you for being nothing but smiles and laughter and everything sunshiny!

Dear Emily, Marissa, Gabbie and Jess, Going to Stadium of Fire with you four on the Fourth made for one of the most fun Fourth of July's I've ever had! The Kelly Clarkson, Carly Ray Jepsen and Cirque du Soleil were highly entertaining, but your company was even better. I cannot tell you how good it was to be among friends that I could just let go and be goofy with. You ladies rock!

Dear Jon, I was so happy that we got to sit together and watch the fireworks on the Fourth because you were in charge of cleaning the very area I was sitting in. Best. Coincidence. Ever.

Dear Tyson, Adam, Mike and Jon, Hiking Timp with you four on Saturday was one of my favoritest things I've done all summer! The scenery was absolutely gorgeous. Your commentary was absolutely hilarious. The view was absolutely breath-taking. I can imagine no better way to spend a Saturday than exhausting myself by trekking out into God's beautiful world to explore it with good people and the best of friends. 5 coworkers/friends, 12 hours, 13.6 miles and perfection all wrapped-up in the mountains of Utah Valley. It truly was the best.

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