Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Dear Rachel, Thank you so much for running and talking with me last night. I'm so glad we're best friends for life. You're definitely a keeper.

Dear Christopher, You never cease to entertain our apartment. Thanks for the laughs.

Dear Audrey, I'm so happy that you get to stay in our apartment for reals! Now we can continue having conversations about things that make life awkward and family and school and work and life. Awesome.

Dear Amelia and Spencer, You guys are pretty much awesome. I like it when you hang around our apartment and have fun with us!

Dear Brad, Thanks for talking to me the other day about covenants and for going running with me this morning and for making me laugh so hard while we ran. You are such a funny guy, but an even better friend. Keep being awesome.

Dear Emily, It's official. I like living with you. Let's keep doing this, okay? Sweet!

Dear Sean and Alex, It was so fun to see you both yesterday to go and eat yummy Zuppas and to talk about life. Alex--I'm excited to have fun with you this semester. Sean--you are going to be a super awesome/amazing missionary. Thank you for being an amazing example of an amazingly faithful man. I want to marry someone as good and kind as you some day. Yea for awesome families!

Dear Any, You have no idea how happy I was when I found out that we're going to be in the same World Religions class. I have been so worried about that class, but now I'm excited! I hope you can put up with my craziness. I'll try to be mild. At least you're friends with the Pisters. That means you should already be used to crazy. That makes me feel better.

Dear Brady, I'm already missing you. I have an awesome idea. What if you just get a tent and live out in the north court? I'll even let you use my kitchen every once and a while. That way, you can still stay here and play with us all the time. I really like this idea. You in?

Dear Hannah, I loved, loved, loved going to get milkshakes and talking with you last night. You are so cool! I'm sad that you're not living in the apartment complex anymore, but I'm glad that your new place is so nice. I love you!

Dear Mom and Dad and Jessica and Abby and Kate, Thank you for always being willing to sit and talk to me on the phone. Talking to you guys on the phone is the best. We should do it more often.

Dear Kristin, The past several days you have heard me rattle off about my life and not complained about it at all. Thanks for being such an amazing coworker.

Dear School, I can't believe you start next week. Help?

Dear Heavenly Father, Thanks for loving me so, so much. I love you too.

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