Thursday, August 30, 2012

101 Small and Simple Things: An Introduction

I know this quote has absolutely nothing to do with my post, but I like it and think it's awesome and think that you should think so too. 

My favorite scripture of late has been Alma 37:6-7, "By small and simple things, great things come to pass..." I have come to love this scripture because, over the past year, I have learned that it is through recognizing the small and simple things that we find happiness. Each small and simple good thing is a manifestation of God's love for us. It truly is how He does the majority of His work.

We are happy when we recognize the small and simple things because they help us realize that God is invested in us to the extent that He even takes the time to care to the seemingly insignificant details in our lives. He wants us to know that He loves us, and so He shows us in millions of tiny ways. We just have to open our eyes to see them.

I've decided that I want to keep track of these small and simple things on my blog. 101 of them, to be exact.

Why 101? Because that's how many dalmatians there were and because everyone always picks 101 and I felt like giving into social pressure at the time I wrote this post. Don't judge me.

Do I have a date that I'm planning on having all these 101 posts done by? Nope. To be honest, I'll be surprised if I make it up to 25. I'm horrible at keeping journal-writing oriented goals.

Do I write these things on my blog because I think I'm awesome and that everyone should be like me? While I am pretty awesome, I don't really think everyone should be like me. You are ten billion times more awesome as yourself than as me, so please be yourself.

Then why do I write things on my blog? Because typing things is faster than handwriting them and because the egoist in me does hope a little bit that just maybe something I say can help someone else be happy or thankful for the small and simple things in their life. There. I admitted it.

So really, I don't even care if you read what I write? Pretty much. Most the time, more than anything, it's a way for me to dump all my emotional build-up out into the online vortex of anything and everything worth and not worth reading.

And what do I think about the fact that you've taken the time to read all the way down to the bottom of this post? First, I must say that you must be really bored. Please, get away from the computer, and go and do something fun. It's a three day weekend, for heavens sake. I'm sure there's someone doing something somewhere that you could go and join. Do. It. Second, you must be a pretty awesome friend. No one else would read to the bottom of this post. Thank you.

That's pretty much it in a not so very small nutshell. More to come later (hopefully maybe?)

Over and out.


  1. An egoist that hopes others gain something from what they do? Sounds contradictory to me. And I agree with Lauren.

  2. Lindsey, love looking at the pictures on the side. Cool blog. Would love to have you and Emily over for dinner some time. :)

  3. We would LOVE to come over some time, Cindy! Just let us know when would work!
