Monday, June 18, 2012

Epic Letters for an Epic Weekend

Dear FHE Family, Camping with you guys in the Unitas this weekend was one of the best things I've done my whole life because you are some of the best people I've met my whole life. Outside of my own immediate family, I've never felt more at home with any other group of people. You are all awesome, faithful, steadfast, funny, kind, serving, amazingly wonderful people with strong testimonies and big hearts. Here's to you:  

Dear Lauren, Thanks for singing crazy songs with me on the drive up to our campsite. And for taking awesome pictures. And for being your super amazing silly self. And for sleeping next to me and for jumping onto us when we woke up.

Dear Jeremy, Thanks for being your amazingly awesome, nerdy, funny, comfortable-with-being-yourself self. Thanks for carrying a role of toilet paper when we went hiking and for walking around in the water and skipping rocks with me and for sitting next to me by the campfire. 

Dear Amelia, Thanks for putting so much hard work and effort into planning this trip. And thanks for being awesome at cooking yummy food on the campfire and for being so funny when we played taradactal.

Dear Chris, Thanks for coming camping with us, even though camping isn't your thing. Thanks for letting all 9 of us cram into your 5-seater car on the way driving down the cliff back to our campsite. Thanks for being awesome and amazing and cute and yourself.

Dear Rachel, Thanks for being an amazing nurse when I scraped up my hands and for letting us use so much of your camping gear and for smiling and fishing and being awesome.

Dear Kap, Thanks for burning huge boxes and for coming up even though it was only for a little bit and for being so happy and optimistic all the time.

Dear Morgan, Thanks for being so silly and for biting people's elbows and for hugging your car and saying awesome things and doing awesome things.

Dear John, Thanks for coming all the way down from Idaho to be with us and for waking up at 3am on Saturday to drive to get Ryan and Kap and for putting so much effort into the planning and for being your amazingly kind, nice, selfless self.

Dear Josh, Thanks for coming and being a part of the family and for talking to me about awesome books and movies and eating snow and for always being willing to lend a hand.

Dear Ryan, Thanks for coming up on Saturday and for having fun with us even though you were super tired being you were only running on 3 hours of sleep. Thanks also for entertaining us when you sat on John's lap on the ride down from the hike.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for placing such amazingly wonderful, good, and inspiring people in my life. I hope that this FHE family is one that can be together forever.

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