Sunday, September 20, 2015

Our Surprise Goodbye Party

The past month has been full of blessings for Jon and I! As my last post said, in mid-August both he and I officially graduated from BYU. Marking that off our bucketlist created a chain of new and exciting things in our lives.

Last winter, with Jon's graduation in sight, he figured he might as well try applying for jobs to see if he could get anything. If he didn't, it was fine because I was planning on staying to teach at the school I was interning with at the time and Jon figured he would wait until December to graduate and get a business minor. After what felt like an unpromising phone interview, Jon was surprised when he got called back to schedule a skype interview with a trucking company. He did the interview, and once again we were surprised when they called to offer him a job! It wasn't what we had been planning on, but after talking and praying about it, we decided to accept the offer. This new job set us off to Tacoma, Washington!

And so the past few weeks have been filled with all the fun and craziness of relocating and beginning a life somewhere new. There's so much to say about what has happened throughout these weeks, so rather than posting about it all at once, I'm going to break the events into individual posts and post about them over the next few days.

First, to see us off some of our good friends held a surprise going away party! We had planned a date night with our very good friends, Rylin and Shayla, and they decided to surprise us by inviting many of our good friends to join them in saying goodbye. We spent the time by playing minute to win it games (I think Jon beat me at every one) and playing cards. They even all signed a huge poster for us! It felt so awesome to know that we were loved and would be missed by the friends we were leaving behind in Provo. I'm so grateful to each of them for their love and for being a part of our lives!

Jon and Jacob (Jon's roommate):

Jess (Jon's FHE sister and someone I used to visit teach) and Joseph (Jon's roommate):

What happens when Jacob gets your camera:

Jon beating me at a minute-to-win-it game:

Shayla trying to win a game (I'm pretty sure she did win this one):

Shayla (a friend from Campus Plaza) and I:

Rylin and Shayla (the couple we hung out with more than anyone else once we were married), Jon, and I:

Thanks again, everyone!

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