Wednesday, September 23, 2015

My Visit with Grandma, Grandpa, and Janet

After graduation, I left Jon behind in Provo and started making my way up to Washington. Instead of going the whole way all at once, however, I decided to make a stop in Boise, Idaho for a few days to visit my grandparents and my Aunt Janet. Since Kate had been at graduation and was making the same journey, she was able to join us! Over the few days we spent there, we played cards, ate yummy food, crocheted, watched "Mom's Night Out," went on a walk, and made some crafts.

One of the highlights for me was having Grandpa help me make a birthday board out in his shop. I loved it because it saved me so much money (he has every tool imaginable in his shop), but even more because I have one more thing to help me think of my grandpa when I look at it.

I love time with family! The older I get, the more I realize that family's what it's all about. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed me with such an amazing family.

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