Sunday, November 16, 2014

Cooking, Spiders, and A Fun Weekend

I have a bad habit when it comes to blogging. It's called "I go forever without writing and then when I finally get around to it I feel like there's so much to say that I'm afraid to say anything. And so I don't." Hence, I have not written anything over the past few months. But it's time to try again!

Looking over the past few months, there's SO much that has happened and so much that I wish I could say, but out of all that's transpired, there are two moments that stand out that I really don't ever want to forget. They're both about Jon, and they both still make me laugh whenever I think of them.

The first has to do with making him lunches. One night for dinner we had soup. I asked him if he'd like some of the leftover soup for his lunch the next day and he said something along the lines of: "Very much yes!" So I took the leftover soup and put it into three different containers. The first was a small one, with one cup of soup in it for me. The second was a container twice the size of mine with at least two times--if not three times--as much soup as was in my container. This one was for Jon's lunch. The last container was two to three times bigger than that container, and it's the one I put all the soup that was leftover into.

The next day came. On my way out to work, I told Jon that his soup for lunch was in a container in the fridge. He acknowledged that he heard, but later that day when I got home, Jon's soup was still in the fridge. Jon wasn't around, so I couldn't ask him about it. I figured that he must have just forgotten to take the soup with him for lunch. It wasn't until I realized that the ginormous container--with all the leftover soup in it--was gone that I realized what happened. He'd taken the wrong container. The one with at least four servings of soup in it! As soon as he came home I asked him about it, and this was his reply:

"I took the wrong container? Oh. Really? Man! Well, I had no problem eating all of it!"

This story serves as a perfect example of how eye-opening it's been for me learning how much food a man can eat in one given day. Which reminds me of another story...

One day we were driving in the car and Jon just randomly started laughing. When I asked him what was up, he said: "I was just thinking about how crazy it would be if what I ate actually affected the way I looked and felt."

Part of me really hopes his metabolism catches up to him latter in life and that he gains 50 pounds. Not really, but kind of.

The second story happened one night when he and I were sitting on the couch at the end of the day. He was doing homework, I was doing something quiet, like reading a book. Suddenly, Jon leaps off the couch and flies to the other side of the room, hysterical.

"What?" I inquire.


Some Necessary Background Information For Those of You Who Do Not Know Jon Well: Jon hates spiders. A whole lot. When we got married, I gave him a "Jon's Spider-Killing Kit" in hopes of helping him overcome his fear. It was no use. I'm the spider killer in our family, which I'm okay with as long as he's willing to kill all the snakes (and heaven help me if there's ever a snake in our home! We will move to a different STATE the day that happens!) 

So I start laughing my head off while Jon runs frantically into the other room. "Jon?" I gasp out, between laughs. "Are you getting a tissue to kill it with? Or do you want to give it to me to kill it with?"

Instead of replying, he comes running back into the room, and before I realize what's happening he's spraying Raid bug killer all over the hanging spider until it falls onto the couch, at which point he sprays half the couch in attempt to squelch the life out of the poor little vermin.

After exclaiming: "Stop! Stop!" multiple times and coming next to his side, I finally calm Jon down enough to get him to stop soaking the couch in poisonous bug spray. The spider was definitely dead by this point. "Diggs!" I exclaim. "You just sprayed half the couch with Raid!"

"That monster was going to kill me!"

I rolled my eyes. "Well, are you going to get a piece of toilet paper to pick the spider up and throw it away now?"

"Heck no!" he exclaimed, standing up to go put the bug spray away. "That's your job!"

These two experiences are just glimpses of the crazy happenings of married life with Jon. It just keeps getting better.

This weekend was pretty awesome too! Jon and I wen to see The Young Ambassadors on Friday evening, and then I spent the rest of the weekend cooking....homemade rolls, two loafs of homemade bread, white chicken chili, enchiladas, and cookies. It's been pretty awesome. To top it all off, this morning I got to go to my lovely friend Amelia's homecoming talk with my other friends Rachel and Lauren. It was so fun to be reunited as old roommates and to reminisce about old times. Good stuff.

And as for those papers I was supposed to finish grading this weekend...

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