Tuesday, February 13, 2018

January 2018

Here's our January in pictures...

First Row:
1. Phoebe getting all warm for a run.
2. We went out to Red Robin for my birthday.
3. Phoebe is adorable...
4. ...And spits out her food when she decides she doesn't like how it tastes (cleft lips are very handy for this!)

Second Row:
1. Once again, Phoebe is adorable
2. Phoebe loves to play with toys (as long as you are there with her!)
3. She continues to chew on just about everything you hand her
4. She loves to bounce around in the jumperoo that my sister-in-law, Laura, is letting us borrow.

Third Row:
1. Phoebe makes a MESS when eating. Especially if she's tired and she rubs her food-covered hand all over her face.
2. Yup--still adorable!
3. Phoebe and I went down to Vancouver to see my sister, Kate, in a short skit she helped put on
4. Phoebe is officially sitting in the stroller forward facing (instead of sitting in the car seat with the stroller adapter)

Fourth Row:
1. We start off most morning by doing a bit of reading, including reading Winnie the Pooh!
2. Phoebe all ready for church
3. My birthday present from Jon...a new mountain bike!
4. And of course, still adorable.

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