Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Phoebe Month Four

Phoebe's personality has really started to shine this past month. She really likes being around groups of people and has even decided to start trying to "talk," or in other words, squeal really loud. It's hilarious, but means that mom has to spend some of sacrament meeting in the hall.

In addition to this, we think she may be teething. She's been drooling, drooling, drooling and chewing on anything she can get her hands on (or if she can't get her hands on anything, just her hands will do).

Bottles? Don't even mention them. She hates them.

Sometimes at night, I feel the effects of "no, this is not an 8-5 job and I still want you to hold me right now please...please....PLEASE!!!" and it can be a little tiring. But then I sit down to compile this collage, or to watch a video of her laughing in the bathtub, or to watch her play with Dad, and suddenly it's all worth it. Motherhood can be exhausting, but what an adorable squish I get to start it all off with, a squish I wouldn't trade the world for!