Monday, July 31, 2017

No Ice Cream?!

Apparently Phoebe doesn't like it when I eat dairy products. Lat week, after several post-feeding bouts of fussiness and spitting up everything--many bouts of which took place in the evenings when I would have preferred to have been sleeping--I came to the conclusion that I was eating something that made my milk unpleasant for Phoebe. I did some research and experimented with a few things and my conclusion is that milk products are a no go for me if I want a happy child and to get sleep at night.

This is proving to be slightly problematic. At first I didn't think it would be and I told myself: "Okay, no big deal. I prefer almond milk instead anyways." But then I started trying to live dairy-free and I was like: "Okay, actually this is a BIG deal!" Dairy is everywhere and in everything! Yogurt (I eat it on about 30% of my days). Cheese (it's in my salads, quesadillas, sandwiches, pastas, burritos, cheesecakes, I could keep going here...). And of course, it's the bulk of what makes up ice cream which happens to be proof that God loves us and also my favorite treat in the world. Who knew I loves milk products so much?

Am I bitter? No, but I am kinda' bummed. I mean, sure--I do feel like a cow sometimes because some days it feels like all I do is feed Phoebe, but that didn't mean that I had anything against cows or against the food I got from their milk! I try to console myself by saying that this is an exciting challenge or by telling myself that I now have a reason for why I can't stress eat an entire carton of ice cream in one sitting. This usually works until Jon pulls out the raspberry pretzel dessert I made three nights ago which I can no longer eat because it has cream cheese and whipped topping in it.

I could use a little help! Are any of you out there dairy-free eaters? If so, do you have any tips, tricks, or advice? Any good dairy-free recipes you could share? I'm all ears! Or maybe I should say that I"m all eyes because I'll probably read your advice via comments. Or perhaps instead that I'm all stomach because we're talking about food here. That's all besides the point. Ears, eyes, stomach, or all of the above...please share!