Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Through Heaven's Eyes

My heart has been touched recently with love from God and with loving admiration for those around me. I have been blessed to feel a greater measure of the Spirit in my days. I have been blessed to see those around me through His eyes. I have been blessed to taste the love God has for my fellowmen, which has increased the love I have for them myself. In this season of Christmas, amid the business of finals and shopping and decorating and travel, I pray that I may be able to keep this love within my heart and to use it to guide my perspective and my everyday dealings with the loved ones that surround me. I do not want to sell that which is most important to me for a bowl of porridge; I do not want to overlook caring for and loving those around me for far lesser aspirations, such as doing good in school. People--not grades or goals or things--create the substance of life.

This Christmas season, I want to start looking at things a little more through Heaven's eyes.