Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Dear Washington, I miss you and your green! But more than anything, I miss the people. Seeing the people at home is always the best.

Dear 13 Hour Car Ride, Thanks for the stiff neck. You were long, long, long, looooonnnnngggg, but altogether not that bad (even though I was running on only 5 hours of sleep!) Thanks for giving me the opportunity to talk to Janet and Nancy, to listen to good music, and to have quiet time to reflect on life. I am glad, however, that the car ride this weekend is only 6 hours each way.

Dear Provo, It's so good to be home! I've quite missed you!

Dear Bishop Justice, Bro. Groesbeck, Bro. Anderson, and your wives, I'm glad I got to see you all at the BBQ last night so that I could give you one last goodbye. Thank you so much again for your hours and hours of dedicated, loving service. I was so blessed to have the opportunity of working closely alongside you for a year. I learned so much from you and my testimony was strengthened because of my association with you. Good luck with wherever the rest of life takes you, and I'll see ya' around!

Dear New Bishopric, Though I don't know any of you well at all yet, I felt a strong spirit in our meeting on Sunday when you were called to serve in our ward. I'm very excited for the chance to become friends and to continue making the 41st ward AWESOME!

Dear Shaun, Jacob and Poci, Feel free to sit in the back seat of my car and sing along with the music any time you want. It was rather entertaining.

Dear Sprinklers at Kiwanis Park, Maybe next time you could give us warning before asking Jon and I to relocate?

Dear New Office at Work, I can't believe we're FINALLY coming up on the big week! I am SO excited to get to start working in you in the JFSB next week and am ESPECIALLY excited for the HUGE window I will get to look out of every day. Much better than the dungeon that I've worked in in the basement of the SWKT over the past year and a half.

Dear Jon, I like getting texts from you in the middle of the day that make me smile or laugh. I like sharing things with you, like Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. I like it when you tell me stories that make me laugh so hard that my stomach hurts. I like talking about schedules and making plans with you for the week or the next day. I like reading a General Conference article with you every day. I like having your example and influence in my life. Pretty much, I just like you.

Dear Charity, Thank you for never failing and for being so easily accessible. What a great deal, especially being that you're the best thing in the whole world!

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